

Chesterton Campus

4th Mondays | 6:30 pm - 8 pm | Room 140C

Do you have a story to write, but you don't know how to start? Do you have a love for writing, but feel God is calling you to do more with it? Join our monthly writing group that will help encourage and support you as you seek to be obedient with what God is call you to do...writing for Him.

This group is open to men and women.

Questions? Email Joanna Politano.


Men's Bible Study

Chesterton Campus

Wednesday Evenings | 6:30 pm - 8 pm | Room 140C

This study takes an intensive verse-by-verse approach to studying scripture. The format is interactive and Spirit-led. Study time is followed by 30 minutes of faithful prayer. All men are invited to come and each week stands on its own. We meet every Wednesday year-round. Please bring your Bible and come join us. 

Contact Pastor Kevin Earhart for details.

Childcare is available (September - April). 


Retired Men's Fellowship

Viking Chili Bowl Restaurant | 105 W Morthland Dr., Valparaiso

First Thursday of the month | 7:15 am

Come join us on the first Thursday of each month as we enjoy breakfast, hear a wonderful speaker and experience friendship.



Chesterton Campus

Friday Mornings | 6:15 am - 7:30 am | September - May | Food Court

This group of men will be doing a book study in an interactive style. This time of sharing brings up great questions and conversations as men endeavor to look for ways to live out their faith. Your heart and mind will be challenged in this process.